<< DVD5 For King & Country (3 van 3)
For King & Country (3 van 3)
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Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Post Description

For King & Country, Canada at War; WW2:
Join military historian Norm Christie as he travels to Canadian battlefields, monuments and cemeteries throughout the world to guide viewers through the Second World War from the point of view of ordinary soldiers, who tell their stories in their own words.

Delen op deze DVD5 (met keuzemenu):

5: Normandy:
On the night of June 5, 1944, Canadian parachute troops touch down in darkness in German occupied France. They blow up, and occupy, vital bridges near the Normandy coast. At dawn on June 6 1944,D-Day, 15,000 Canadian troops storm Juno Beach, and begin to fight inland. Norm takes us to the defenses of Hitler?s Atlantic wall, to the beaches and cemeteries, and canals and villages of Normandy, and we storm ashore with Canadian troops on D-Day.
6: The Path to Victory:
While the British, under General Montgomery, and the Americans, under General Patton, compete to see who can advance the farthest and quickest, the Canadians, advancing up the French, Belgian, and Dutch coast, do vital but dirty work. Norm Christie takes us to the Channel Ports, to Ghent and Antwerp, as the Canadians struggle along the coast?and as they fight to open up the Scheldt Estuary, freeing Antwerp.

Tijd per deel ca. 45 min. taal Engels, NIET ondertiteld.
Voor de verzamelaar.

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