<< WIN Novabackup Pro v12 5 9 (2011)-tuSHENGPEng
Novabackup Pro v12 5 9 (2011)-tuSHENGPEng
Category Applications
GenreSystem software
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 184.16 MB
Website http://www.novastor.com/en/
Sender TuShengPengMan (jTsBPA)                
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Post Description

NovaBACKUP Professional 12.5.9

Windows Backup Software for Laptops, PCs, and Workstations
Easy to install, easy to use Make your first backup in minutes with simple wizards.
Flexible Back up local. Back up online. Advanced options available.

Simplify Your Digital Life
NovaBACKUP Professional is easy windows backup software to install and easy to use. Wizards guide you through the process and your protection begins immediately. Back up your documents, photos, emails, music, movies, software applications, and your entire windows system - quickly and easily!

Select Individual Files & Folders, or a Single Backup Image
Choose to back up individual files (File Copy) ormake a single image backup (Standard Backup) of all your selected documents.

Compatible with Windows 7
With a Smart Select you can instantly select to back up primary Windows locations like My Documents, Music and Photos, and Outlook email.

Stress-Free Backup
Automatic processes continually update your protection - no need to remember to run backups. You can even choose to have NovaBACKUP email you to let you know that your files have been backed up.

--||* Fijne dagen, unne Gooje Roetsj en een sprankelend 2012.. *||--

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