<< WIN Close Combat: First to Fight
Close Combat: First to Fight
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Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Post Description

About this Game

First-person shooter from Destineer. Players lead a four-man fire team of US Marines through the perils of modern urban combat in Beirut. Gamers can play through the campaign as either a single player or a co-op experience through the use of online, LAN, Xbox Live or split screen. In addition, gamers can go head-to-head in the fire team arena with as many as 8 players simultaneously competing. Close Combat: First to Fight utilizes authentic Marine urban military doctrine, tactics and assets to save lives, take down insurgents and restore order. With direction from the US Marine Corps and a beautiful new engine from Destineer, Close Combat: First to Fight is as close as you can get on a computer or Xbox to being a Marine fire team leader in modern urban combat.

Genre: First-Person Shooter
Publisher: Global Star
Developer: Destineer
Online Play: 8 Versus/ 4 Co-op
Release Date: April 19, 2005
Also on: Xbox, Mac

Multiplayer Functions

* 1 Minimum Players
* 8 Maximum Players
Online Play: 8 Versus/ 4 Co-op


* Cutting-edge graphics engine delivers amazingly realistic graphics, facial animations, volumetric real-time shadows, dynamic lighting and more
* In-game psychology model makes ais behave as though they were humans with wills of their own
* Developed in conjunction with the US Marine Corps
* Use authentic Marine urban military doctrine governs how marines maneuver through urban environments
* Use the Marine Air Ground Task Force to destroy enemies: call for fire and support from Cobra helicopters, mortar, other fireteams, tanks, AAVS
* Lay suppressing fire, flank enemies, separate leaders from enemies, etc.

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