<< MP3 Solar Project - The Final - Solution
Solar Project - The Final - Solution
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Post Description

Solar Project - The Final - Solution

Studio Album, released in 1989

Songs / Tracks Listing
1. Overture (5:18)
2. The Electrocution (4:20)
3. Power Song I (4:29)
4. Lethargy (2:26)
5. The Flowers Must Die (2:22)
6. Power Song II (3:21)
7. Beginning I (2:06)
8. Beginning II (2:28)
9. a)The Teddy Bear Song
b) Machines of Darkness (9:00)
10. Interlude (1:38)
11. Military (4:26)
12. Where I&II (2:45)
13. Where III (4:50)
14. The Cry I-IV (11:46)
15. The Apocalypse (5:29)
16. Conclusion (4:02)

Music tabs (tablatures)
Search SOLAR PROJECT The Final Solution tabs

Line-up / Musicians
- Stefan Mageney / lead vocals
- Inka Kuopamäki / backing vocals
- Robert Valet / organ, computers, electronics
- Peter Terhoeven / guitars, computers
- Volker Janacek / electronic drums, hi-hat and snare
- Bodo Melenk / basses

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