<< FLAC Piers Faccini - 2021 - Shapes of the Fall (24-88.2)
Piers Faccini - 2021 - Shapes of the Fall (24-88.2)
Category Sound
Date 3 years, 2 months
Size 953.68 MB
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Wonderschoon, en dat is het. Spaarzaam en direct gebruik van de instrumenten, kale orchestraties, hier en daar een beetje wereldmuziek. Een spannend album. Ik ga eens kijken in zijn oudere werk. Op Folk Radio Uk stond o.a. het volgende:

The promise of a new release from British-Italian artist Piers Faccini has proven, over a career which has now eclipsed some 20 years, to generate more than a frisson of anticipation and excitement from those familiar with his oeuvre. His latest studio album, Shapes Of The Fall, will certainly not disappoint.

Over these two decades, this enigmatic songwriter has succeeded admirably in producing music that truly reflects the fusion of the diverse cultures and mores of southern Europe, Africa and the Near East which for many generations have melded together and influenced the sounds emanating from the Mediterranean shores. His collaborations with artists such as French-Lebanese jazz trumpeter Ibrahim Maalouf, Malian songwriter and guitarist Rokia Traoré, Ballake Sissoko, the Malian kora player, and the Iranian violinist and composer Jasser Haj Youssef, reflect his desire to explore and exploit, in the creative sense, cross-cultural imperatives, a broker of traditional music from around the world.
A long time resident of an old farmhouse in the Cévennes mountain region of France, he and his family are surrounded by the beauty of nature, a source of inspiration and influence for his writing. Previous work attest to his concern for the earth, and with Shapes Of The Fall this unease is taken to a new level.

In Shapes Of The Fall Piers Faccini has created a masterpiece – cerebral, thought-provoking, but above all, musically, an intensely enjoyable listening experience. On the very first airing, a tremendous immediacy and dynamism is apparent, but repeated plays are highly recommended, revealing as they do fresh nuances and subtleties with every repeated listen.

1. They Will Gather No Seed (3:22)
2. Foghorn Calling (3:15)
3. Dunya (4:30)
4. Together Forever Everywhere (4:18)
5. All Aboard (3:31) met Ben Harper
6. Levante (3:57)
7. Lay Low to Lie (4:30)
8. The Longest Night (3:04)
9. Firefly (3:45)
10. Paradise Fell (2:33)
11. Remember Them (2:18)
12. The Real Way Out (2:45)
13. Epilogue (2:29)

Staat er compleet op, 10% pars mee gepost. Met zeer veel dank aan de originele poster. Laat af en toe eens weten wat je van het album vindt. Altijd leuk, de mening van anderen.


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