<< iOS DreamBoard 1.0.2
DreamBoard 1.0.2
Category Applications
GenreSkin software
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 13.95 MB
Website http://modmyi.com
Sender SpionWeb (u88qg)                
Tag SpionWeb        
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Post Description

Advanced Theming Platform. Take control over SpringBoard! Dreamboard lets you place anything from widgets to apps where ever you want. Theming is no longer limited to just icons, or having to resort to complicated setup themes involving Iconoclasm, SpringJumps, etc. Dreamboard makes it easy to switch between any theme in just a few seconds. Simply launch, choose and apply! And, Dreamboard eliminates the long wait of having to restart Springboard everytime you make a change. No more resprings! Dreamboard includes a complementary copy of Endroid (HTC theme). Note: Not compatible with iPad. Not recommended for iPhone 3G, iPod 2G, or iPod 3G 8GB. Tested on 4.1 and 4.2.1

v 1.0.2 - March 25, 2011
* Updated dependencies
* Fixed Installation error

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