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Alien and remote for countless centuries, Australia remains today an almost mystical land, a land only recently disturbed by the arrival of man. Long before the time of man, there appeared here creatures among the most bizarre on Earth. So unlike other animals are they that many early European explorers could hardly believe they were real. Even today, three centuries later, many of the questions the animals pose to science remain unanswered. Throughout Australia, investigators and scientists probe the secrets of this infinitely varied wildlife. Animals once dubbed "living fossils" have been properly identified and categorized, their evolutionary relationships better understood. Yet, inevitably, there remain more questions than answers, haunting, age-old mysteries that beckon all who behold the spectacle of life unique to Australian shores. See the extraordinary wildlife of Australia, most of which exists nowhere else in the world, and the scientists struggling to preserve this unique resource. Featuring such animal “celebrities” such as the kangaroo, koala, wallaby, platypus, fearsome lizards and the vicious Tasmanian Devils.
~54 minuten, Engels gesproken, geen ondertiteling.
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