<< WIN X Plane 9
X Plane 9
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Category Games
Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Website http://x-plane.com/
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The sky is the limit when you get behind the controls of the world"s foremost airplanes, helicopters and space shuttles in X-Plane 9. Maneuver through the skies in the latest aircraft, including the Bell 206 Jet-Ranger helicopter, the Cessna 172 light plane, the supersonic Concorde and the Mach-3 XB-70 Valkyrie. Choose from more than 40 aircraft options and access hundreds more via download from the Internet. When you want a change of pace, turn in your pilot"s license and head out in a robust space shuttle. Orbit Mars or fly among the stars from one end of the universe to the other.
X-Plane 9 lets you design your own plane, from the instrumental panel to the fuselage to the weapons, for a customized experience. Land your aircraft at any of the more than 18,000 airports or set down on aircraft carriers, helipads, frigates in the ocean and oil rigs to truly feel what it"s like to be a pilot. Exciting new graphics, including water reflections, real shadows and smooth fog, give you the feeling of what it takes to be a master aviator.

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