<< WIN Digital Light and Color Picture Window Pro v6 0 8 x32-x64 (2012)-tuSHeNgpEnG
Digital Light and Color Picture Window Pro v6 0 8 x32-x64 (2012)-tuSHeNgpEnG
Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 16.56 MB
Website http://www.dl-c.com/
Sender TuShengPengMan (jTsBPA)                
Tag TuShengPengMan        
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Post Description

Picture Window Pro is a powerful photo editing tool designed for serious photographers with demanding creative and quality standards. Its comprehensive set of photo manipulation and retouching tools allow you to control and shape every aspect of your images. Here is a sampling of features:

Raw converter with highlight recovery & noise reduction
Color management and 16/48 bit color support
Advanced sharpening
Lens falloff, distortion and aberration corrections
HDR image stacking
Masking and compositing
Zone transformations for independent adjustment of tonality ranges
Batch workflow for automating operations
Sidecar files store/replay editing operations
Support for print proofing profiles
Layout, multi-page photo albums, tile printing

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