<< ePub Goth & Jisatsu Circle
Goth & Jisatsu Circle
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LanguageEnglish audio/written
Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Website http://myanimelist.net/manga/958/Goth
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Post Description

Dit zijn 2 korte manga's die wat betreft sfeer erg op elkaar lijken, al is de invulling totaal verschillend. Bovendien zijn ze allebei erg klein dus was het nogal onzinning ze los te spotten. Deze spot bevat dus ongeveer 50 Mb griezelen. Allebei compleet gescanlate naar het Engels.

Volumes: 1
Chapters: 5
Status: Finished
Published: 2003
Genres: Mystery, Horror, Psychological
Authors: Ooiwa, Kenji (Art), Otsu-Ichi (Story), Kiyohara, Hiro (Art)
Serialization: Shounen Ace (Monthly)
Score: 8.151 (scored by 2401 users)

A rather morbid, sombre manga about two high school students, Kamiyama Itsuki and Morino Yoru, who have a peculiar interest in deaths and especially in murders that are committed near to them. Due to their strong fascination with murder and highly-developed analytical skills(along with some luck), they manage to solve the murders that have even eluded the authorities. However, acting on their own sense of justice and in self-interest, the murderers are often able to escape with the murders that they have committed. Often, it is Kamiyama that solves the cases even to the most subtle of details, but he is only interested in one thing, and that is the method to which Yoru Morino should be killed.

Jisatsu Circle
Volumes: 1
Chapters: 6
Status: Finished
Published: Mar 20, 2002 to Apr 10, 2002
Genres: Horror
Authors: Furuya, Usamaru (Story & Art)
Serialization: None
Score: 7.411 (scored by 1120 users)

Jisatsu Circle is a manga based on a movie of the same title, written and directed by Sion Sono. At first, the manga was intended to follow the same story, but Sion Sono asked Usamaru Furuya to adapt his own story to it, which resulted in a plot much easier to understand.

The story begins with the same opening scene, where 54 girls commit suicide by jumping in front of a moving train. However, one girl survives (Saya Kota) and opens another Suicide Club, with other victims. Her best friend, Kyoko, fears for Saya's future and begins to search for the strange secrets surrounding the Suicide Club to try and save Saya and the other girls from committing such a tragedy again.

15% par2

(Plaatje: Jisatsu Circle)

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