<< DivX StreetBlowJobs : Rogue Angel in Down On The Dick (SD mp4)
StreetBlowJobs : Rogue Angel in Down On The Dick (SD mp4)
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Date 8 years, 7 months
Size 514.01 MB
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Out for a leisurely stroll to the video store behind my house and I spot a damsel in distress. 
She seemed to be trying to fix her car but I didn't pay her any mind.
After I start walking she yells out to me to help her out and give her some jumper cables.
A spicy blonde Latina with huge breasts and she could get it!
So I invite her back to my place so I could her her the cables, when in all actuality I had none.
A bit immoral but I'll do whatever it takes to get the pussy fellas!
After chatting it up a bit Rogue Angel starts opening up about her past relationships and shit.
I really don't care about all that, all Im really thinking is how do I get in her pants.
Then I go with the ultimate persuader, cash money baby!
Lets just say I made her an offer she couldn't refuse!


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