<< WIN Kiss Pinball
Kiss Pinball
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Category Games
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=Kiss+Pinball
Sender micro11
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Post Description

Like KISS? Like Pinball? This one is really a lot of fun. This game moves fast and incorporates everything you want from KISS. Both of the games (Oblivion and Netherworld) are equally challenging and there are 4 skill levels if you think you have mastered one. Stanley and Simmons provide the voices behind the game which is very cool. 
You really can't beat this game with a price this low. I bought it one night and played it for hours. It helps if you are a huge KISS fan - but any avid pinball player will love this game. And if you don't have a CPU - it's coming to the Playstation as well for an even lower price! Buy this game!

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