<< WinPh Froyo Stone Sense V3.2 Android op HD2
Froyo Stone Sense V3.2 Android op HD2
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Category Applications
PlatformWindows Phone
GenreSystem software
Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=FroyoStone_Sense_V3.2
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Post Description

HTC Desire Sense build (FroyoSense V3.2) (Based on stock, no modification apart from camera app and superusers app) for HTC HD2 by darkstone:
My goal is to make a build that is close to stock as possible, but also has everything working. I'm getting there

Everything should be working, should be fast. Very fast.

Changelog for V3.2:

Fixed PPP disconnects (updated lib_htcril_wrapper)
Added more APN's (T-Mobile users, I'm looking at you for cluttering up my thread )
Updated kernel to latest EVO commit as of 17-Oct-2010 00:44 from here: h **p://oe.netripper.com/files/htcleo...uild_evo_tree/
Re-enabled Stagefright for videos.
Some performance tweaks.
Camera flash now work correctly, this is fixed in the kernel.

If you are already using FroyoStone v3.1, you can upgrade to v3.2 easily, all you need to do is overwrite the system.ext2 and the zImage files on your SD card with the ones in this update. DO NOT REPLACE THE DATA.IMG IF YOU ARE AN EXISTING USER AND WANT TO KEEP YOUR FILES.
Included 1GB data.img by default, saves time waiting for your phone to create a 1GB data.img. Delete the included one if you want, the phone will create a new one.
If this is your first time running FroyoStone, you will need to reboot after completing setup for the first time. Users upgrading to v3.2 do not need to do this.

A popup may show after taking a picture with the camera, this is normal. If you want to avoid seeing this, change the camera settings for Review Duration from 5seconds to off.
Cam is limited to 3mpx, partly due to the kernel and also the camera apk. I need to speak to AdamG and see how he fixed this when he ported Sense camera to Nexus One. IIRC he modified the HTCCamera.apk file.
720p video recording does not work, seems like H264 encoding is fudged. H263 seems fine, record fine at 800x480 resolution.
Wifi hotspot app is working fine
Make sure to reboot after first boot, apps needing root access won't work. Phone calls will have no audio. Make sure you reboot!

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