<< DivX BBC Science Of Superstorms 2007
BBC Science Of Superstorms 2007
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BBC Science Of Superstorms 2007

3 delig + extra dvd

The Science Of Superstorms highlights some of the futuristic weather modification research that Superstorm is based upon. This ranges from cloud seeding, currently the only proven form of weather control, to distant perturbation, the brain child of the world's foremost hurricane expert, Professor Kerry Emmanuel at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology).

In addition to looking at the future, The Science Of Superstorms explores how weather modification has been used in the past: from Project Stormfury, the first attempt to divert hurricanes over half-a-century ago, to the use of weather seeding during the Vietnam War, to the experiments being conducted by governments around the world today.

Because of global warming, the pressure has never been greater to come up with viable means of modifying the weather in order to reduce the impact of extreme conditions.

This DVD extra is a follow up to the BBC docudrama mini series, Superstorm, covering the science behind superstorms and is an edited version of the three part BBC series; The Science Of Superstorms.

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