<< ePub Bladmuziek-Blues for diatonic and chromatic harmonicas
Bladmuziek-Blues for diatonic and chromatic harmonicas
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Date 1 decade, 3 years
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Bladmuziek-Blues for diatonic and chromatic harmonicas (Book/CD Set)

Written for diatonic and chromatic harmonica, this is one of the hottest-selling blues harp books available.
As usual, Phil Duncan's instructions are thorough and easy to understand.
One of the best books in this popular harmonica style.
The blues technique of playing "cross-harp" is clearly presented.
Chords and melody, bending, tones and vibrato are but a few skills that are taught.

No previous musical knowledge is necessary.
In the companion DVD, the blues technique of playing "cross- harp" is clearly presented.
Chords and melody, bending, tones and vibrato are but a few skills that are demonstrated.
The companion DVD follows the book, helping to ensure accuracy, proper interpretation and ease of learning.
No previous musical knowledge is necessary. Includes a stero play-along recording.

Voor meer bladmuziek zoek op Tag: Sjembek

Enjoy, Sjembek.

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