<< WIN R-Drive Image
R-Drive Image
Category Applications
GenreSecurity software
GenreSystem software
Date 1 year, 11 months
Size 114.6 MB
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Post Description

De door mij aangeboden software is voorzien van een crack, patch of keygen
Cracks, Patches & Keygens geven een virus melding via je scanner.
Het is van belang dat daarom je virusscanner tijdelijk uitgeschakeld wordt.
Indien je dit niet vertrouwd, gewoon niet meenemen ! ! !

R-Drive Image (Repack & Portable) is a powerful and efficient tool for creating hard drive images and backing up important data.
The use of disk image files is very convenient. they contain an exact copy of a partition on a hard or logical drive.
To create such images, you do not need to restart your computer, and the compression level is under your complete control.
The created disk image can be saved on a variety of storage media: USB sticks, CD/DVDs, Iomega Zip and Jazz.

If your disk has some kind of failure or loss of important information, then this program will help you quickly restore all data from the image to the original disk, another partition, free unformatted space, etc. - as you wish.
To restore a system or locked partition, the program can switch to the so-called pseudographic mode directly from Windows, or the bootable version of the application is launched from a CD / DVD or a set of floppy disks.
Using R-Drive Image, you will completely restore the system after a total data loss caused by a system crash, virus attack or computer hardware failure.

Also, this tool is used for mass cloning of the system in cases where it is necessary to install one already configured system on several identical computers.
In other words, you only need to manually configure the OS once, then create an image of it, and then unpack the image on other computers, saving time and money.

If you need to restore only individual files, the disk image can be attached as a virtual disk, the data from which is directly copied using Windows Explorer or other file utilities.

HIGHLY Suggest using SABnzbd, NZBGet or similar for download and extraction.

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