<< PS3 PS3 Tool; Open Manager v2.1H3 with Open Copy 1.1
PS3 Tool; Open Manager v2.1H3 with Open Copy 1.1
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Category Games
PlatformPlaystation 3
Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=Open-Manager-2.1H3-Open-Copy-Install-1.1b+BY+MSVP
Sender MSVP
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Open Manager v2.1H3 with Open Copy 1.1

This version of Open Manager is a modification of the original Open Manager program (see above). This version obviously includes different features not found in the original Open Manager, that&#146;s why
it&#146;s on my list. Additionally, this mod version of Open Manager includes Open Copy Install.

Open Copy Install allows you to view games installed on the hard drive (internal and external), copy games from one drive to another drive, and can perform installations of games to the hard drive.

Open Manager 2.1H3 + Open Copy Install 1.1b:

- Added parameters indicating the size to use for the covers: IMG_COVER_ORI_W and IMG_COVER_ORI_H &#150; Added parameters to use informal & informal The size for the Covers: IMG_COVER_ORI_W and IMG_COVER_ORI_H
- Possibility to choose the jacket used: COVER_TYPE &#150; Possibility to choose The Jacket used: COVER_TYPE

Values to use: The values to use:
0: Original (without 3D) 0: Original (without 3D)
1: Original 3D (uniquemnent the front) 1: Original 3D (uniquemnent The Front)
2: 3D Covers (front and rear in a PNG image) 2: 3D Covers (front and rear in a PNG image)
3: Double jacket (front in a PNG image and back into another PNG) 3: Double jacket (a PNG image in front and back Into Another PNG image)

2.1h 2.1h-2-2
- Added support for transparent PNG. &#150; Added support for transparent PNG.

- Added message when installing a theme or a jacket in the internal HDD.

- Added message When Installing a theme gold jacket In The internal HDD.

- Note: It is recommended that you delete the folder &#147;COVERS&#148; external HDD to speed up the startup of OM (it is not required to analyze the file). &#150; Note: It Is Recommended That You Delete the folder &#147;COVERS&#148; external HDD to Speed Up the startup of OM (It Is not required to analyze The File).

2.1h 2.1h
- Fixed a bug when using an option on the BR disc trying to write about it and causing blockage.

- Fixed a bug When using an option On The BR disc Trying to write about it and Causing blockage.

- The icon is now kept in the cache. &#150; The Icon Is Now In The Kept cache.

- Added code to manage dynamic themes. &#150; Added code to manage dynamic themes. Today themes can be designed to cover the lists, see the wallpaper games PIC1, view the cover instead of the icon, change the text color or change the location, change the cursor left / straight up / down. Today Free Can Be Designed to Cover the lists, see The Wallpaper games PIC1, INSTEAD View the cover of The Icon, Change the text color or change the location, Change the cursor left / straight up / down. One such theme is distributed. One theme Such Distributed IS.

- The covers can be added manually in the installation path of the application in the folder COVERS (file in uppercase). &#150; The Covers Can Be Manually Added In The installation path of the application in the fold COVERS (file in uppercase). If you use a folder on a hard COVERS / USB stick, it will be detected automatically launch the application. If you use a folder was hard COVERS / USB stick, It Will Be Detected Automatically Launch the application.

- Themes can also be used on a disc / memory stick via path THEMES / DEFAULT containing the. Ini configuration. &#150; Themes aussi Be Used Canon was disc / memory stick via path THEMES / DEFAULT containing the. Ini configuration. The application will automatically update the images. The Application Will Automatically Update the images.

- Added L1 LEFT command to update the covers placed on a disc / USB drive or update the themes found on a disk / USB or internal hard drive. &#150; Added command L1 LEFT to update the Covers was Placed disc / USB drive or update the Theme was found disk / USB or internal hard drive.

- Change the background image on the XMB &#150; Change the background picture On The XMB

- Added a menu in Italian &#150; Added a menu in Italian

- Added detection of file trophies, if set in direct execution mode, the file will be linked w

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