<< APE First Aid Kit - Who by Fire Live Tribute to Leonard Cohen (2021) FLAC
First Aid Kit - Who by Fire Live Tribute to Leonard Cohen (2021) FLAC
Category Sound
Date 3 years, 11 months
Size 439.52 MB
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Post Description

01 Tired (Feat. Nina Zanjani And Maia Hansson-Bergqvist)
02 Suzanne
03 Sisters Of Mercy (Feat. Nina Zanjani And Maia Hansson-Bergqvist)
04 Who By Fire - As The Mist Leaves No Scar (Feat. Nina Zanjani And Maia Hansson-Bergqvist)
05 Twelve O'Clock Chant (Feat. Nina Zanjani And Maia Hansson-Bergqvist)
06 Everybody Knows (Feat. Frida Hyvönen)
07 Avalanche (Feat. Loney Dear)
08 The Future (Feat. Nina Zanjani And Maia Hansson-Bergqvist)
09 Chelsea Hotel No.5 (Feat. Jesper Lindell)
10 You Want It Darker (Feat. Nina Zanjani And Maia Hansson-Bergqvist)
11 If It Be Your Will
12 The Asthmatic (Feat. Nina Zanjani And Maia Hansson-Bergqvist)
13 Famous Blue Raincoat - Anthem (Feat. Maja Francis And Nina Zanjani)
14 Show Me The Place (Feat. Jesper Lindell)
15 Hallelujah (Feat. Annika Norlin)
16 Prayer For Messiah (Feat. Klara Söderberg)
17 Bird on the Wire
18 Who By Fire (Reprise) - Letter To Marianne (Feat. Nina Zanjani And Maia Hansson-Bergqvist)
19 So Long Marianne (Feat. Frida Hyvönen, Loney Dear, Jesper Lindell, Annika Norlin, Maja Francis, Nina Zanjani And Maia Hansson-Bergqvist)
20 You'd Sing Too (Feat. Johanna Söderberg)

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