<< Android Iboobs v1.1
Iboobs v1.1
Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 2 years
Size 1.1 MB
Website https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=MysticGD.iBoobsNew&feature=more_from_developer#?t=W251bGwsMSwyLDEwMiwiTXlzdGljR0QuaUJvb2JzTmV3Il0.
Sender Whiteman (cEFMXw)                
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Post Description

Are you also tired of all these bad ripoffs of iBoobs? All these unrealistic image based wobbling apps that tried to copy the real iBoobs?

Then prepare yourself because iBoobs is back! The Nobel peace prize winning application made its way from the MysticGD labs to Android OS.

Enjoy the next generation boob bouncing technology on your Android phone and show the app they were waiting for ages your iPhone loving friends with a smile on your face, make them jealous and remind them that iBoobs won't make it to their phone.

Life is better with a smile on your face ... and some iBoobs in yours hands!

- Guaranteed laughter when showing your friends
- Interactive shake control through phone movement
- Tweakable settings (change their weight, gravity, etc)
- Achievements
- Touch screen support
- Stats tracking

Warning: Beware of addiction and shaking your phone to death! We are not responsible for phones flying around! :)

Don't expect a full game, it is just a fun app to show to your friends and have some laughs! :)

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