<< WIN VRay Studio Tools 1.1 Cinema 4D
VRay Studio Tools 1.1 Cinema 4D
Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 50.7 MB
Website http://josefbsharah.blogspot.com/search/label/VRay%20Studio%20Tools
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Hi. Today I'll provide you with some more information about the update for VRay Studio Tools for Cinema 4D. Firstly, VRay Studio Tools 1.0 was a beta release and it was available at The Store (CINEMA TOOLS) for 2 and a half weeks. I have since removed the beta 1.0 & will release new Studio Tools with new features and bug fixes.

The new update ( JB VRay StudioTools 1.1) comes with complete compatibility for most Cinema4D versions ( R11, R11.5, R12 & R13). It is compatibile with the current version of vrayforc4d, 1.2.6, and it will work future updates of vray (1.3 and 1.5), except for the presets which we will update for the users for free. This update comes with new tools like the HDRI tool, more Studio Setups (presets) and much more features and bug fixes. I will provide Video tutorials, that I will post on the blog, to help you get the most of the tools. :)

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