Post Description
Almost all aircraft designed for a COIN (counter-insurgency) are great
fun to fly. They have to be sturdy and have loads of power to get out
of trouble and they also got to agile and easy to fly low to the ground.
So they all are the opposite of airliners that draw straight lines high
in the sky, they feel most at ease when the hug the ground and pull G.
The OV-10 Bronco is perhaps the finest example of this class of aircraft.
The Bronco has its roots deep in the 1960s when most military aircraft
were getting bigger, more complex and above all faster. These aircraft
did not work well in harsh conditions found in jungles and even on
carrier decks. The OV-10 Bronco was the opposite. It was simple and
rugged and could land on grass fields and even carriers. These days
their fighting role is over but they are popular aircraft at airshows
where their unusual layout and smooth aerobatics make them welcome guests.
The Aerosoft OV-10 Bronco X was created with the help from people who
still fly them, the OV-10 Bronco Association, German Wing. We created
the aircraft very much as they feel it should be done, as an aircraft
that is incredibly fun to fly. We also decided it was a great way to do
an aircraft that has simple systems done to a high degree of fidelity.
If you master the engines of the Bronco at the high realism setting you
really understand them. It.s the same with the electrical and fuel
system. It.s an ideal aircraft to take up for a half an hour flight as
it is easy. But to fully master the systems and calling yourself a
"Bronco driver" will take some time.
Release date : April 12th, 2012
Poster: HickDead
Unrar, mount/burn image & install.
Use BCX-321-12311-12312-12312 when asked for a serial.
Microsoft Flight Simulator X (with SP2 or Acceleration) is required for this
addon. Enjoy.
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