<< DivX Operation Petticoat serie seizoen 1 uit 1977
Operation Petticoat serie seizoen 1 uit 1977
Category Image
LanguageNo subtitles
LanguageEnglish audio/written
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 3.12 GB
Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=Operation+Petticoat+serie+seizoen+1+uit+1977
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Post Description

Naar deze comedyserie uit 1977, destijds uitgezonden door Veronica, was ik al heel lang op zoek, en wil m graag met jullie delen.
De kwaliteit is niet super(1977 he, dus ja, wat wil je)
en helaas geen ondertiteling, maar toch heel leuk om te kijken.
Het zijn 17 afleveringen uit het eerste seizoen.

Series Description:
The Operation Petticoat TV show was a 30 minute comedy series on NBC about a worn out, ill-supplied, world war II submarine that the U.S. Navy manned with its worst misfits to keep them out of the way. But when Lieutenant Commander Matthew Serman took command, he's determined to use whatever he can get his hands on to make his boat operational! The misfit crew begged, borrowed, and (usually) stole everything needed to join the war effort. Unfortunately, they spilled all the grey paint they obtained in order to give the sub a new look, so they used the only other color they could rustle up in time to ship out in their new ... pink submarine! Each week the crew would get into some mess and then have to figure an "angle" to get out of it.

Operation Petticoat Cast:
John Astin ........... Lieutenant Commander Matthew Sherman
Jamie Lee Curtis ..... Lieutenant Barbara Duran
Richard Gilliland .... Lieutenant Nick Holden
Yvonne Wilder ........ Major Edna Howard
Melinda Naud ......... Lieutenant Dolores Crandell
Bond Gideon .......... Lieutenant Claire Reid
Dorrie Thomson ....... Lieutenant Ruth Colfax
Richard Brestoff ..... Yeoman Hunkle
Christopher J. Brown . Ensign Stovall
Kraig Cassity ........ Seaman Dooley
Jesse Dizon .......... Ramon Gallardo
Wayne Long ........... Chief Herbert Molumphrey
Michael Mazes ........ Radioman Gossett
Jack Murdock ......... Chief Machinist's Mate Tostin
Richard Marion ....... Pharmacist's Mate Williams

Met dank aan de orginele poster.

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