<< WIN Wikipedia_screensaver
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Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website http://rectanglered.com/screensaver.php
Sender MarsX
Searchengine Search
Number of spamreports 0

Post Description

Wikipedia Screensaver

We believe Wikipedia to be one of the most useful sites on the net - an up-to-date, free online encyclopedia covering any topic imagineable.

The Wikipedia screensaver loads random pages from Wikipedia every 30 seconds or so. Features include:

* Configurable time delay between each page load
* Can automatically kill IE and Firefox browsers on activation
* Can be configured to kill any other program on activation
* Blanks the screen completely after a configurable time

Known Issues

This software is written and tested on Windows XP Professional. Under Windows Vista, it runs only if logged in as an admin user; not as a limited user. It does not yet run on 64 bit Windows Vista. If you have installed it successfully on other platforms, please drop us an email and tell us about it! It requires the Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 or later.

Sometimes the Wikipedia website itself doesn"t quite paint a page correctly, which gives a Javascript error when the screensaver tries to display it. This is rare, and the error message can be ignored.

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