<< DivX Egypt Eternal: The Quest for Lost Tombs (National Geographic)
Egypt Eternal: The Quest for Lost Tombs (National Geographic)
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LanguageNo subtitles
Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Website http://nationalgeographic.com/tv/specials/egypteternal/
Sender Dutch Supervisor
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Post Description

The new National Geographic Special, Egypt Eternal: The Quest for    
Lost Tombs, takes you under the sands and into the tombs of Egypt"s
lost aristocracy, the noble class that served the pharaohs.

Enter the final resting places of the rich and powerful at Saqqara,
where new questions and centuries-old mysteries abound. At the
Bahariya Oasis, uncover Egyptian mummies and open tombs of the ruling
elite, all of which tell tales from the grave.

Leading these expeditions are National Geographic
Explorer-in-Residence Zahi Hawass, head of Egypt"s antiquities; and
French archaeologist Alain Zivie. Their recent, unprecedented
discoveries help paint a picture of an ancient civilization at
fascinating periods in its 3,000-year history.

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