<< DivX Joan of Arcadia (complete series)
Joan of Arcadia (complete series)
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Category Image
LanguageNo subtitles
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website http://uk.imdb.com/title/tt0367345/
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Spot, met dank aan de poster, zie NFO.

Post is van 28-02 t/m 02-03. Zoek op 17250 voor seizoen 1 en op 17252 voor seizoen 2 of op Joan.of.Arcadia voor beide seizoenen. Afleveringen zijn individueel te downloaden. Staat ook in a.b.teevee

Millions of people speak to God. What if God spoke back? Life just got a hell of a lot more confusing for teenage Joan Girardi, who already deals with feeling out of place in her family : her police chief father, her somewhat overbearing mother, her geeky younger brother and former football star older brother, now paralyzed. They'd never believe her if she told them that God is talking to her. Does Joan have a higher purpose on earth, or are these strange conversations just in her head?

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