<< ePub Bladmuziek-All American drummer 150 rudimental solos
Bladmuziek-All American drummer 150 rudimental solos
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Date 1 decade, 3 years
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Bladmuziek-All American drummer 150 rudimental solos (pdf)


The All American Drummer: 150 Rudimental Solos by Charley Wilcoxon, Edited by Richard Sakal.From the book's
Preface: This book of original Solos was especially written to enable the modern Drummer to understand more clearly the far reaching possibilities of the Twenty-six Rudiments...
Based entirely on the old tradition of famous Masters, a touch of swing was added to give each a certain lift...
First published in 1945, Wilcoxon's book has been used by drummers ever since.
One of our most popular rudiment books.

Voor meer info kijk ook op youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRE494NIQl4

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