<< MP3 TNA - Emergence (2009)
TNA - Emergence (2009)
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Date 1 decade, 4 years
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TNA Emergence

1. Cross The Line
2. Mick Foley (Chic Chic Bang Bang)
3. Bobby Lashley (The Boss)
4. Homicide (5150)
5. Tara (Broken)
6. The British Invasion
7. Hernandez (Te Gusta O No!!)
8. The Beautiful People (Angel On My Shoulder)
9. Samoa Joe (Nation of Violence)
10. Motorcity Machine Guns (Motorcity)
11. Main Event Mafia
12. Beer Money (Take A Fall)
13. The Pope (Catholi-Funk)
14. Suicide (Coming Alive)

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