<< WIN Gotcha!
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Category Games
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website http://uk.pc.ign.com/objects/764/764702.html
Sender Bombvis
Tag Bombvis        
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Post Description

Paintball game for PC and Xbox. It is the hardest tournament in the world: Get the International Gotcha Association"s supercup with your favorite team. Fight against the hardest gotcha players in the world: on an oil platform in the high sea, in the 85th level of a skyscraper or in a medieval castle ruin. Choose from more than 15 of the most up-to-date gotcha weapons in the world. Make-up your team out of more than 20 players with individual skills! And the IGA supercup is yours. Features include online multiplayer modes and 12 fields with realistic weather effects.

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