<< WIN Super Crossfire.v1.0.(2012)-TUshEnGPEnG
Super Crossfire.v1.0.(2012)-TUshEnGPEnG
Category Games
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 57.19 MB
Website http://www.slidetoplay.com/story/super-crossfire-review
Sender TuShengPengMan (jTsBPA)                
Tag TuShengPengMan        
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Super Crossfire is probably best described as an evolution of the Space Invaders formula. Your little spaceship moves from left to right along the bottom of the screen while enemies move about above. The twist is that by tapping on the screen you can cause your ship to flip, moving from the bottom edge to the top edge. Since your ship fires automatically, you're only really in charge of the movement, going from left to right and up and down.

The controls are intuitive and are a great solution to the age old problem of creating an accurate shooter with a touch screen interface. But while the controls are simple, the rest of the game is much more complex. As you progress through the five chapters, taking on wave after wave of enemies, the intensity and difficulty ratchet up at a very satisfying pace. You'll come across enemies with different behaviors that need to be killed in different ways, and there are of course power-ups that you can grab by flipping directly through them (though this can be tricky at times).

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