<< WIN VideoHive AE project rE Union
VideoHive AE project rE Union
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Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Website http://videohive.net/item/re-union/115291
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VideoHive AE project rE Union
Project After Effects | .AEP | 429 Mb

&#147;rE &#150; Union&#148; is the logo revealer that can make your logo stand out &#147;of the crowd&#148;. It&#146;s catchy and flashy, the thing that your logo needs. 2 versions are present: one with the pre-rendered particles and optical flares and one with the original layers , ment for those that have Trapcode Particular and Video Copilot&#146;s Optical Flare and want to change the setting as they please.

Resolutions: 1920×1080 , 1280×720

Format: Adobe After Effects .aep project ( CS3 , CS 4 and CS5 compatible)

Font used: ANTIPASTO which you can download here for free ht*p://w*w.dafont.com/antipasto. font

A video tutorial is present in the pack that will show you how to:

- quickly customize the project to suit your immediate needs

- color manage the project with a few clicks and change the color scheme in which way you see fit;

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