<< NDS Flashkaart Firmware | M3Kaura v0.9 Beta (Nieuw voor M3DS Real/ M3i Zero)
Flashkaart Firmware | M3Kaura v0.9 Beta (Nieuw voor M3DS Real/ M3i Zero)
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Category Games
PlatformNintendo DS
Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=M3Kaura+v0.9+Beta+%28for+M3DS+Real+-+M3i+Zero%29
Sender xandecs
Tag Xandecs M3DSReal M3iZero M3Kaura        
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0.9 Beta version of Kaura is released

Q: What is M3 Kaura?
A: It is the new "firmware" made my gbalpha for the M3 Real and M3i Zero flashcarts. It isn't an official firmware (even though some people call it that), instead it's more of a boot menu. Think of the bootmenu the sakura touchpod dualboot had but more fancier.

Q: Does Kaura corrupt your saves?
A: Yes it will corrupt some saves. It is highly recommended that you backup your saves before using Kaura. It is suspected that this only happens because Kaura uses Sakura 1.44 (it had a corruption bug too) instead of 1.45.

Q: Why can't Kaura play barely any homebrew?
A: My assumption is that the m3 team forgot to include an auto dldi engine with this release. My evidence is when play still alive ds (and a few others) it asked me to dldi patch it.

Q: Why does Kaura have 2-3 bugs, 2-3 WHOLE BUGS! OMG!
A: Notice how it's a beta release ;D

De nieuwste cheat-file zit er ook weer bij!

Ik bied altijd ondersteuning totdat de nieuwe versie er op staat!

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