<< WIN [Adult Games 18+] Hustle Town [Complete] [Mickydoo]
[Adult Games 18+] Hustle Town [Complete] [Mickydoo]
Category Games
Date 4 years, 1 month
Size 1.61 GB
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Website https://www.google.nl/search?sxsrf=ALeKk00XjI4h-VCwGyoy3iJcPmYbQSq88w%3A1607003493487&amp;source=hp&amp;ei=Ze3IX9vmGoPjgwfl64ewCg&amp;q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.patreon.com%2Fmickydoo&amp;oq=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.patreon.com%2Fmickydoo&amp;gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQA1CxEVixEWCBIWgAcAB4AIABY4gBY5IBATGYAQCgAQKgAQGqAQdnd3Mtd2l6&amp;sclient=psy-ab&amp;ved=0ahUKEwibrYTD-rHtAhWD8eAKHeX1AaYQ4dUDCAc&amp;uact=5
Sender JeffHax (atIH6Q)                
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Post Description

The game is set in an European town, your Uncle used to be a big shot there and you visited him a few times as a kid. He is retired now and mostly sold up but he still owns a cafe and a hostel, so you get free food and a free bed. The reason it's called Hustle is you essential have no money and are to lazy to work for any, you have a few dollars to buy a joint and a beer now and again but that is about it, you need to hustle everything else. You come across a variety of girls and the only way to bed them is to help them out, so you have to hustle whatever they need, or you need, to bed them. It's based on a fetch quest idea, to bed a girl you have to give her something, get her something or do something for her, but its not that simple as what you need to get has to be hustled from its owner, who in turn will usually want something in return, so you will need to hustle what they want and so forth until the circle completes. It will be easy at first but the chain of hustles will get more complicated as the game progresses. Each release will be a stand alone chapter that leads to the next chapter, although the story will progress, each chapter will have no bearing on the other except in one sense (I'll explain in a minute), they will intertwine for sure, but any decisions/paths you need to take will only have a influence on the chapter you are playing. You can't actually lose/die/fuck up, you just won't finish the chapter. The one sense I mentioned comes into play here, unless you finish the first chapter you won't be able get any progress in the next, you can play it but you will just get stuck as I will leave out an important element from the first one.

Release Date: 2020-09-07
Developer: Mickydoo
Censored: No.
OS: Windows
Language: English
Version: Complete

3DCG, Animated, Male protagonist, Dating sim, Vaginal sex, Creampie, Anal, Lesbian, Harem, Episodic, Tiny tits.

1. Extract and run.

All characters and events depicted in this game are entirely fictitious.
Any similarity to actual events or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
All characters in this game are at least 18 years of Age.

XXXGAMES is niet verantwoordelijk voor:
- de inhoud van dit spel.
- het verloop en de opzet van het spel.
- de uitkomst van het spel.

Deze games zijn het eindproduct van Game-Ontwikkelaars van over de hele wereld die weken, maanden en sommige zelfs jaren van hun tijd erin steken om het spel te bedenken, het verhaal te schrijven, de grafische afbeeldingen en Animaties zelf te creëren en dat alles met behulp van donaties, test-gamers, taaldeskundigen en supporters op het platform.

Alle games worden gescanned met een "LEGALE" versie van ESET Internet Security alvorens ze op Usenet worden ge-upload en gepost worden op Sp0tn3t !
Deze games zijn 100% virusvrij.

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