<< WIN Hiren''s Boot CD 10.4, uitgave 07-04-2010
Hiren''s Boot CD 10.4,  uitgave 07-04-2010
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Category Applications
GenreOptimization software
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website http://hirensbootcd.net/cd-contents/132-hbcd-104.html
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versie 10.4 is kort na v10.3 uitgekomen omdat er een foutje inzat waardoor je op sommige machines bij booten vanaf USB een foutmelding kreeg die driver is teruggezet naar v 8.9, zie hieronder voor de tekst van de website

Changes from Hiren's BootCD 10.3 to 10.4:

It has been reported that driver iastor.sys version 9.6 causes BSOD 0x0000007E on some machines when booted from USB so its downgraded to version 8.9.

Hiren's BootCD (HBCD) is a set of applications that provides advanced tools for analyzing, recovering and fixing your computer. It is an all-in-one bootable CD solution that contains a load of useful tools you can make use of in a variety of situations.

Hiren's BootCD is a great resource for anyone with computer problems who is having trouble accessing the internet to download programs in an attempt to fix it. It can be useful even if the primary operating system cannot be booted. We may call it as an emergency cd which every computer technician or home user must have. It has a multitude of tools divided into a number of categories like partitioning tools, backup, recovery and BIOS/CMOS tools to name a few. With some simple knowledge about what is contained on the CD, you can use it to repair many problems computer like hard drive failure, virus infections, partitioning, password recovery and data recovery.

Partition Tools
If you need to make changes to the partitions on your computer, there are several applications that provides various levels of functionality for accomplishing this goal. You can both create and delete partitions from your computer, even while there are other partitions on the hard drive you are modifying. You can also resize partitions if needed, to change how much space is allocated to them.

Backup and Recovery
There are several backup and recovery tools on Hiren's BootCD. Backup tools like GetDataBack, HDD Scan, Partition Find and Mount, PhotoRec, Recuva, Undelete... let you copy data off of your hard drive and schedule automatic backups to ensure your data is saved to another location. You can also recover deleted data, whether that data was deleted intentionally or accidentally. There are also a few tools that will help you recover data from damaged or corrupted portions of your hard drive if you are unable to recover them through other methods.

Testing Tools
Hiren's BootCD provides a variety of tools for testing different aspects of your computer. If you suspect that your RAM is corrupted or that a piece of hardware on your machine is not functioning properly, there are several applications you can run to determine the problems. You can also perform hard drive tests to see whether your hard drive is physically damaged, and get a report on how much longer your hard drive is expected to work.

Password Tools
Password recovery and modification tools are also provided on Hiren's BootCD. You can change the administrator password on Windows machines, and there are utilities for saving passwords for your online accounts in an encrypted format. You can also encrypt your entire hard drive with Hiren's BootCD so that a password is required to read or write any data from or to your hard drive.

een overzicht van de mogelijkheden is als wordfile meegepost.

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