<< WIN Quantumnauts Episode 1: Speed of Light, Space Pirates and Multiverses
Quantumnauts Episode 1: Speed of Light, Space Pirates and Multiverses
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Date 1 decade, 4 years
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The Quantumnaut's task was simple: teleport his captain 
back on board the spaceship within the required time for
this mission: 3 hours on planet Earth in 2010, 1st
Universe. But by getting a coordinate wrong, the
Quantumnaut accidentally teleported the wrong person: an
unlucky person called Bob. Before being teleported, he
had just left his favorite pub where he had been playing
all night with his band, ending up pretty drunk as
usual. After being teleported, Bob thought that
everything he was witnessing was just a drunken dream.
But it seemed to be as real as the immense shadow that
was approaching the spaceship he found himself on at
that very moment: space pirates! ...Panic...The
Quantumnaut now had to make a difficult decision:
whether to bring his captain back aboard the spaceship
with the risk of having to deal with the space pirates.
These pirates hunted between dimensions for systems
owned and used by elite soldiers from various empires in
order to become the new rulers of the multiverses, and
they had already managed to steal one system from an
unlucky ship in the Utharium fleet in the 5th Universe.
The second and only other option: to
flee......Escape...The Quantumnaut activated the
automatic escape system to warp the Quantumship to a
safe place, far away from the space pirates. The tractor
beam of the pirates' immense Mothership was certainly
hard to evade, but they managed to escape from the
pirates and ended up in the 13th Universe in the year
3042...But during the escape, the ship's motors and
control system were completely destroyed. The only
option left now was to crash-land on the first available
planet they encountered... ...Alone...They eventually
crashed on a red, hot planet with a desert littered with
strange trunk-shaped rocks. The last things that went
through the mind of the Quantumnaut: a Captain lost in
space and time; his spaceship of incalculable value
crashed on a weird and possibly hostile planet; and a
drunk guy called Bob who wasn???t worried about
anything, convinced that he was just having a drunken
dream caused by a huge amount of beer...This was all too
much for the Quantumnaut's heart. He died, leaving Bob
alone on a wrecked spaceship on a strange planet, far
away from home... When Bob managed to leave the
spaceship, he began to realize that everything that had
happened up until then wasn't just a drunken dream. On
the contrary, it was very much hard reality... The road
back home? Probably not easy, and definitely long.

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