<< WIN Weather Clock v4.2
Weather Clock v4.2
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Category Applications
GenreSkin software
GenreSystem software
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website http://weather-clock.software.informer.com/
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Weather Clock v4.2

This review applies to version 3.6 The latest version of this software will soon be reviewed by our informers.

Weather Clock, as its name indicates is about a clock. But this application is much more than just clock. You&#146;ll get a clock with alarm and weather forecast tool, all together seated in your system tray. By the way, it will change the standard Windows clock appearance, since it will be replacing it. At any moment of the day or night, if you want to get the latest weather conditions, local time, temperature or time in a different place of the world, all you&#146;ll need to do is to take a look at the bottom-right corner of your screen, where there used to be the standard Windows clock.
Let&#146;s list the main features and advantages of replacing the standard Windows clock with the Weather Clock:
- Look pretty: when you replace your Windows system clock with Weather Clock, you are accessing to over 100 skins, included in the setup file. More skins can be downloaded and added with a single mouse click.
- Be organized: Weather Clock helps you be organized because it includes a big collection of great alarm sounds that can alert you of appointments and other important events.
- Choose the most appropriate outfit: Look at the Weather Clock bar to see current weather conditions or click on the weather icon to see a 5-day local weather forecast.
- Be on time: Computer"s system clock can often get off beat and run too fast or too slow. Get your clock synchronized with the world"s most precise atomic clock and be on time at all times.
About system requirements, here&#146;s a list for you to check out and see if your system meets them:
- Windows 2000/XP or later.
- Intel Pentium 233-MHz or faster processor (Pentium II or faster recommended).
- 64 MB of RAM or more.
- 3 MB of available hard-disk space.
- Super VGA (800 x 600) or higher-resolution monitor
- No additional system components are required.
Weather Clock is a typical Windows application with intuitively clear user interface. Most of its commands are available on the tray icon"s right-click menu, and clicking on the tray icon opens the program"s main dialog, where you can completely control the program"s behavior.
Unless otherwise selected, Weather Clock will start automatically every time your Windows starts. If you have closed the program or disabled starting it automatically, you can start the program manually.
The program is distributed on the freeware basis, i.e. you may download and use it free of charge. Weather Clock Deluxe has additional features. If you would like to use it, you must purchase the Deluxe upgrade, for $ 29.95
What are the advantages for registered users? Take a look to the following list:
- Fully functional, unrestricted copy of the software.
- Information on updates and new products.
- Free technical support.

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