<< PS 2 x HP PS1 PAL
2 x HP PS1 PAL
Category Games
Date 9 years, 11 months
Size 1004.98 MB
Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=2+x+HP+PS1+PAL
Sender Dick42 (t1jlxA)                
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Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone 
What a lucky kid! Harrys got his own book series, a feature film directed by Steven Spielberg, and now his very own video game for the PlayStation. Based on J.K. Rowlings popular novels for young people, HARRY POTTER AND THE SORCERERS STONE ,the game, pretty much follows the story of the original book. Youll begin as a first-year student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry; eventually perfecting your skills to the point where you can venture out into the real world and try a few things out. There are plenty of popular characters to keep young gamers as enthralled as they were by the books H,ermione Granger, Ron Weasley, and Draco Malfoy among others are all here, and theres an encounter at the end of the game with a not-so-friendly face from the story. The game is packed with tons of magic, secrets, power-ups and hidden goodies for kids to seek out, and the graphics do the story justice.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Ignoring Dobbya the house-elfs grave warning that disaster will strike if he returns to Hogwarts, Harry embarks on his second year to find Dobbys predictions coming true! Harry soon finds himself entangled in a dark plot against his Mudblood classmates, as students keep turning up petrified! Could Draco Malfoya be to blame, or is something even more malevolent at work? With the help of returning friends Hermione, Ron, Hagrida and Hedwiga, players attend new classes to learn second-year spells that will aid them in a quest to uncover the true identity of the Heir of Slytherin.

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