<< WIN Spikes Pavtube Media Magician 1 0 0 751 Unattended
Spikes Pavtube Media Magician 1 0 0 751 Unattended
Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 2 years
Size 44.51 MB
Website http://www.seewhatyouget.eu/forum
Sender SeeWhatYouGet (AOmTig)                
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Post Description

Media Magician for Windows helps manage/backup/combine/convert your camcorder footages and videos for better editing in FCP/ FCE/ Avid Studio/ iMovie/ Adobe Premiere/ Adobe After Effect/ Apple Aperture, playback on iPad/ iPhone/ Apple TV/ Android Tablets, and sharing on YouTube.

The simple editing functionalities help you frame-by-frame trim, join, cut, delete clips on timeline; add 3D and gauss blur effects, etc. You can flip video horizontally, vertically, clockwise, or counter-clockwise as well. Volume can also be enlarged or reduces for output.

Moreover, the conversion management list helps create conversion tasks with clicks and output files with different formats from same sources placed on timeline. You can outputlossless MTS/MKV from MTS source files which makes it possible to lossless join your camcorder AVCHD MTS clips into one in seconds.

In a word, it's a useful HDcam assistant software with smart camcorder wizard helps make better use of your camcorder videos.

[Installatie is volledig Unattended[br]
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Geschikt voor 32 en 64 bit systemen

Getest op W7 Ultimate 32 bit en W8 Pro 64 bit

Veel plezier ermee!!!!!!!

Den Spike

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