<< MP3 Buddha Bar Vol 9
Buddha Bar Vol 9
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Category Sound
GenreNew Age
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website http://google.nl/search?hl=nl%26q=Buddha+Bar+Vol+9
Sender watermen1969
Tag CobraTeam        
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Post Description

Channels: 2(stereo)
Sample Rate: 44.1 KHz
Sample Size: 16bit
Bitrate: 320kbps
Encoder: LAME3.97
Encoder Settings: Constant BitRate 320 kbps (insane)
Audio Quality: Very High (Lossy)
Covers: Nee


1. Bardo State &#150; "Sospiro"
2. Mystic Diversions &#150; "Flight BA0247"
3. Amanaska &#150; "Sleep"
4. Hess Is More &#150; "Yes Boss"
5. Koop &#150; "Koop Island Blues"
6. Eccodek &#150; "Mongolia On The Line"
7. Serafim Tsotsonis &#150; "Wood Street"
8. Existence &#150; "Heart Beat Of Life"
9. The Lushlife Project &#150; "Essence Of Our Origins"
10. Michalis Koumbios &#150; "Astradeni"
11. York featuring Asheni &#150; "Iceflowers"
12. David Lowe&#146;s Dreamcatcher &#150; "I Know Jayne"
13. Nikonn &#150; "Sunday"
14. Kenneth Bager featuring Julee Cruise &#150; "Fragment Two....The First Picture"
15. Burhan Öçal &#150; "Bugu Jazz"


1. Sunset Blvd. &#150; "Mrs Daisy May"
2. Cosmic Orient &#150; "La Pila"
3. Djuma Soundsystem &#150; "Les Djinns" (Trentemøller Remix)
4. Carmen Rizzo featuring Grant Lee Phillips &#150; "As The Day Breaks" (Montreal Remix)
5. Massivan &#150; "Daydream"
6. Cirque Du Soleil &#150; "Africa" (Quicksound / Alain Vinet Remix)
7. Rocco &#150; "Roots 4 Acid"
8. Passion Of Percussion &#150; "Last Chance"
9. Novalima &#150; "Machete"
10. Parov Stelar &#150; "Chambermaid Swing"
11. OMFO &#150; "Choban In Space"
12. Otros Aires &#150; "Amor que se Baila"
13. Naked Rhythm &#150; "Gypsy Majik" (Gypsy Lounge Vocal Remix)
14. Blank & Jones &#150; "Loneliness" (Chill House Mix)
15. Bahramji featuring Mashti &#150; "Indusufi"
16. DJ Ravin featuring Karma Sound Collective &#150; "Karma Busta Rhythm"

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