<< WIN Nancy Drew 27 - The Deadly Device
Nancy Drew 27 - The Deadly Device
Category Games
Date 1 decade, 2 years
Size 2.4 GB
Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=Nancy+Drew+27+-+The+Deadly+Device
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Post Description

Adventure game

LET OP : Staat er over ongeveer een minuut of 35 op

More than fifty years after the death of Nikola Tesla, a renowned scientist continuing Tesla’s research is killed just before the announcement of what may have been a major breakthrough. Now it’s up to Nancy to bring the murderer to justice without becoming the latest victim of the deadly device herself.

Fear lingers in a remote laboratory after a physicist's suspicious demise. A police investigation resulted in nothing except a case as cold as the secretive personalities and steel walls that enshroud a top-secret Tesla-inspired facility. That's why the lab owner asked you, as Detective Nancy Drew, to expose the terrifying truth about The Deadly Device!

System Requirements: Windows XP/Vista/7/8
1.5 GHZ or greater Pentium 4 CPU or equivalent class
512 MB of RAM
3 GB or more hard drive space
128 MB DirectX 9.0 compatible video card
16 bit DirectX compatible sound card
4x DVD drive

Met dank aan de originele poster

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