<< MPG UPW - Ultimate Pro Wrestling Training (John Cena, Samoa Joe as rookies)
UPW - Ultimate Pro Wrestling Training (John Cena, Samoa Joe as rookies)
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Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 4.32 GB
Website https://greatdrills.fugu.com/remote/series_view.aspx?c=G48R9PJNC8&n=35&se=54
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UPW - Ultimate Pro Wrestling Training (John Cena, Samoa Joe as rookies)

This is footage of rookie wrestlers John Cena, Samoa Joe, Frankie Kazarian and others practicing their skills for an instructional video in 2000.

A 3-volume VHS set released by Ultimate Pro Wrestling (UPW) in 2000, designed as an instructional video for fans on how to be a pro wrestler: Taking bumps, running the ropes, and many more aspects of wrestling.

The lead instructor is Tom Howard, and the UPW wrestlers/trainees that run through the drills in these videos include:

John Cena
Samoa Joe
Frankie Kazarian
Christopher Daniels
Mikey Henderson
Looney Lane

Not only do you get step-by-step instructions on exactly how these moves are supposed to be done, but you get to see future stars (John Cena, Samoa Joe, etc.) go through the drills as rookies themselves, and see what things they were having difficulty (or ease) doing.

Very interesting stuff for John Cena & Samoa Joe's history, and if you're interested in the art form of pro wrestling!

Vol. 1: Building a Foundation (2000), 48 mins.
Vol. 2: The Next Step (2000), 43 mins.
Vol. 3: Building a Match (2000), 51 mins.

LET OP : De format van deze filmpjes zijn .m4v

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