<< MP3 Trojan - Jamaican Superstars Box Set
Trojan - Jamaican Superstars Box Set
Category Sound
Date 1 decade, 1 year
Size 143.9 MB
Website http://www.amazon.com/Trojan-Box-Set-Jamaican-Superstars/dp/B00006F2TJ
Sender QazzaQ (EdNzuA)                
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Trojan Records has done a great service to all collectors with the release of (I think) 16 low-priced box sets representing different facets of Jamaican music. The Jamaican Superstars set is (like the Producers set) dedicated to 6 artists. Each of the three CDs in the set are split between two singers. I personally got my introduction to most of these "superstars" through "Tougher Than Tough" - the story of Jamaican music boxed set, but it wasn't until I bought this collection that I began to truly appreciate their talents. Gregory Isaacs (who I had originally written off as being "strictly for the ladies") shines on his tracks. Dennis Brown and Alton Ellis, likewise, are stellar. The true star of this set however, is PAT KELLY. Now, for those of you who haven't heard of him, Pat Kelly is the Jamaican Sam Cooke. I would go so far as to say that he is the greatest voice (save, maybe "Scratch") in Jamaican music. For anybody screaming at their monitors right now about Bob Marley, you need to check your history and see that Bob copped his entire vocal style from the afore-mentioned "Scratch" Perry; his pre-Perry vocals are vastly different from his work after recording with the Upsetter. Please note that I am NOT knocking Bob Marley, just putting him in his place. But, I digress. The Jamaican Superstars set is a wonderful addition to any collection. See also, the Lovers Box Set; both volumes of the Dub Box Set; the Rocksteady Box (the best of all); and the very mighty DJ Box Set. I wish I could have given this set 3 and 1/2, but the ratings would not allow.

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