<< ePub Germany in the Great War - Verdun & Somme (pdf en epub)
Germany in the Great War - Verdun & Somme (pdf en epub)
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LanguageEnglish audio/written
GenreTrue story
Date 3 years, 1 month
Size 200.55 MB
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Post Description

"For the Central Powers, 1916 was a year of trial and error, of successes and failures, of innovation and of drastic changes. Tactics developed, while war aims mutated to suit the inertia of trench warfare. Advances were effectively countered with the development of new weaponry, or indeed aided by their inclusion.
Across all fronts, whether at home or in Poland, citizens and soldiers alike stood fast against Entente forces. On the Western Front, bitter fighting continued apace. To the east the armies of Austro-Hungary, Germany and Bulgaria battled Entente forces. Meanwhile at sea, the German High Seas Fleet ambushed the Royal Navy off the coast of Denmark. On the Home Front, the poor harvest of 1916, coupled with a lack of transport, led to a winter of stark deprivation. As a consequence, the German government introduced what was effectively a system of rationing entitled, sharing scarcity.' While to the south, Ottoman forces fought Allied soldiers for control of Kut and Erzurum, a fortified trading port in eastern Turkey.
Germany in the Great War: Verdun & Somme is the third publication in a five-part series. In addition to the author's introduction and a chronology of events, five hundred contemporary photographs, many of which have never before been published in this country, are included."
About the author: Josh Bilton is a recent graduate of Kings College London where he studied the History of War. He lives and works in the United Kingdom.

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