<< NDS 4417 - COP The Recruit (US)
4417 - COP The Recruit (US)
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Category Games
PlatformNintendo DS
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website http://dsspelletjesdownloaden.nl
Sender zon_jeroen
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Post Description

COP The Recruit 
Dan Miles is a former underground street racer and new recruit in the Criminal Overturn Program (C.O.P.). Under the terms of the C.O.P., Dan has become a street detective working to protect New York citizens against large-scale threats. Working with his mentor, Detective Brad Winter, Dan is investigating a series of terrorist attacks in the city when Brad is falsely arrested, putting the investigation on hold. While trying to uncover the truth behind Brad's arrest, Dan goes undercover and returns to his life on the streets. Little by little he gets wrapped up in a deadly, widespread conspiracy and must work to prevent a potentially catastrophic attack on the city.

Wij spotten alle games met plezier. Laat even een berichtje achter wanneer je iets meeneemt. Kudo's zijn voor mij een grote stimulans om door te gaan.

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Voor verzoekjes doe ik mijn uiterste best, maar kan niks beloven.

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Regio: Amerikaans

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