Post Description
40+ PC Tune Up Tools Scan, Identify & Fix PC ProblemsRuns comprehensive diagnostic tests and its 40+ tools make the repairs for you. Make a click to.
Speed up and optimize Windows
Find and fix Windows registry errors
Defrag and clean your hard drive clutter
Optimize Internet speed and memory
Fix Windows security flaws
Remove malware, viruses and spyware
Recover deleted folders, files and data
Restore system when PC won't boot
Analyze, Fix & Repair Your PC with All-in-One WizardsNot only does Fix-It repair computer problems, it also gives users a better understanding of how PCs actually work with detailed, easy-to-read analysis results. Choose a 1-clickRepair All button or easily exclude any item, get further insight or select targeted repairs with all-in-one Wizards.
Optimize Wizard
Fix Up Wizard
Protect Wizard
Automate Your PC with Active IntelligenceActive IntelligenceT Technology continuously, silently and automatically monitors and fixes all your PC problems. Track hard drive status, available disk space, hard drive fragmentation, registry errors, excess temp tiles, startup applications and more - 24/7! Regular use of Active IntelligenceT reduces start up times, improves read-write performance and prevents data loss by identifying hard drive problems before they happen.
- Ik post wat ik leuk, vreemd, irritant, interessant, uitzonderlijk, grappig of nuttig vind.
- Lees ALTIJD het *.nfo bestand VÓÓR installatie.
- Keygenerators/patches/cracks etc. kunnen VIRUSSCANNERS op hol laten slaan, is vals alarm.
- Toch twijfels? > INSTALLEER DAN NIET! en koop een legale versie....:-))
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