<< WIN Return To Castle Wolfenstein
Return To Castle Wolfenstein
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Category Games
Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=Return+To+Castle+Wolfenstein
Sender mister jack
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Post Description

nou voor de liefhebbers hier is dan als alles goed gaat Return To Castle Wolfenstein veel plezier is mijn eerste post hoop dat lukt

In addition to an action-packed story-driven single-player experience where players must infiltrate deep into the heart of the Third Reich, Return to Castle Wolfenstein"s multiplayer mode enlists gamers to hone their tactical skills in a series of combat scenarios. Gamers will join the fight as an axis or ally soldier and be challenged to intense, realistic campaigns like storming beachheads, infiltrating military installations, holding strategic positions, and more. The game features multiple objectives spanning a variety of maps, including an Axis airbase, a war-torn German village and a secret Nazi laboratory. Packed with realistic team-based multiplayer gameplay, Return to Castle Wolfenstein features four different character classes -- soldier, engineer, medic and lieutenant. Each class has unique attributes and the ability to access different ammunition and equipment that compliments their style of warfare.

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