<< MP3 Grobschnitt - Rockpommel""s Land
Grobschnitt - Rockpommel""s Land
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Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Sender grobschnitt
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Post Description

Grobschnitt - Rockpommel"s Land

Studio Album, released in 1977

Songs / Tracks Listing
1. Ernie"s Reise (10:56)
2. Severity town (10:05)
3. Anywhere (4:13)
4. Rockpommel"s Land (20:55)

Line-up / Musicians
- Stefan Danielak (Wildschwein) / lead vocals, acoustic & rhythm guitars
- Joachim Ehrig (Eroc) / drums, percussion, electonic f/x
- Wolfgang Jäger (Popo) / bass
- Volker Kahrs (Mist) / keyboards, Mellotron, synthesizers
- Gerd-Otto Kühn (Lupo) / acoustic & electric guitars, vocals

Ook als voorproefje op het concert van Grobschnitt morgenavond in Osnabruck, waar deze hele cd live gespeeld gaat worden. Je zal er maar heen gaan!!!!!

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