<< DivX Cops s23e8
Cops s23e8
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LanguageNo subtitles
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website http://cops.com
Sender stefandev
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Post Description

What you gonna do when they come for you?
Often called ?the original? reality show, COPS was a novelty when it first aired on the upstart Fox network in 1989, forever transforming the TV landscape. Over 20 seasons and more than 750 episodes later, the show remains as compelling and unpredictable as ever. With new episodes airing weekly, COPS regularly wins its Saturday night time slot in the ratings thanks to YOU? our loyal fan-base of millions of viewers.

The rawest and the realest of all so-called reality shows, COPS allows viewers to ride along with the men and women of law enforcement every week as they take on everything from domestic disputes to car chases. From the crazy and bizarre to the seriously dangerous, COPS never fails to surprise, startle and entertain.

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