<< WinPh Wallace & Gromit Adventures (N97 / 5800)
Wallace & Gromit Adventures (N97 / 5800)
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Category Games
PlatformWindows Phone
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=Wallace+%26+Gromit+Adventures+%28S60v5+360x640%29.rar
Sender dickdecock
Tag NokiaN97        
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Post Description

Niet Getest 

Wallace and Gromit Adventures is a very simple game to play. Each level takes place in a different part of the Wallace & Gromit world. For example, you begin in Wallace's bedroom, trying to switch off the broken alarm clock. Early in the morning, Wallace is woken by a terrible noise- Something must be done to stop his crazy alarm clock.

These different-different levels are not easy to navigate. They involve a lot of efforts. Navigate Wallace around the levels collecting parts and plans. The plans are used to construct the gadgets, which are in turn used to help Wallace traverse the level to reach the exit. Each gadget requires a certain number of parts to construct it.

Things are made difficult because there are obstacles in Wallace's way such as perilous terrain, and creatures of all shapes and sizes. Also falling from a great height, or being attacked by any of the creatures will harm Wallace. So being careful and watching his step is crucial for success.

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