Post Description
Jade Rousseau - The Fall of St Antonio
Jade Rousseau - The Secret Revelation Fall of Sant" Antonio is the first episode of a breathtaking interactive
novel is being released. Every self-contained episode includes information that can be used to unlock additional
exclusive content in the following episodes.
The main character of this new game series is the young inspector Jade Rousseau.
What is realy going on at the abbey of Sant" Antonio" Why did the novice whose corpse got found in the old mines
have to die? Can Jade trust her partner and who is the mysterious caller?
Engelse versie:
Hidden object.
Game Features:
New genre episodic Interactive novel Story, hidden object, puzzle and adventure elements
Every episode is self contained and can be played on its own!
Great soundtrack and unique atmosphere!
From the storytellers of Ankh, Jack Keane and Venetica
Realistic scenes with realistic items to be found
System Requirements:
Operating System: Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP
CPU: 1.0 GHz
RAM: 512 MB
DirectX: 9.0
Thanks to nagwmare.
Have funn.
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