<< WIN Syflex Syflid-f1 VSTi v1.0
Syflex Syflid-f1 VSTi v1.0
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Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website http://sylfid.com/sylfid-f1.html
Sender Captain Salvo
Tag CaptSalvo        
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Post Description

Sylfid-f1 is a VSTi audio plugin that generates sounds based on a new physical model of strings.
The goal is not to emulate any existing instrument, but to create a new musical instrument.

The model consists of a set of two strings for each of the 88 keys. A virtual hammer strikes the strings. The vibrations are converted to sounds.

The model doesn't use any samples: everything is computed in real time. This gives the freedom to change any parameter of the model, allowing to tune the instrument in many different ways, and to produce a wide variety of different sounds.

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